Day 27:

The Spirit helps us in our weakness. For we do not know what to  pray for as we ought, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with  groanings too deep for words. (Rom 8:26) 

Have you ever wondered what the Apostle Paul meant when he wrote  that the Spirit is interceding for believers with groans beyond words?  Well, Paul had a specific meaning in mind. He writes that creation  groans for the fulfillment of God’s purposes, and these groans are like  the cries of a mother giving birth. 

Maybe you’ve given birth to a child, or maybe you’ve stood beside your  wife when she gave birth. There’s pain and groaning involved for sure,  but it’s endured because something so marvelous is coming forth. And  that’s true in our lives. The Spirit groans, all creation joins in, and we  groan as well, awaiting the coming of Jesus Christ, who by his grace will  give us a new life in the new heaven and the new earth. 

Prayer: Lord, I don’t know what to pray for—or even how to pray in  the best way. But thank you for the fact that your Spirit groans in prayer  for me.