Day 22:

Not that I have already obtained this or am already perfect, but  I press on to make it my own, because Christ Jesus has made me  his own. (Phil 3:12) 

As followers of Christ, we must continually fight against sin, but that  doesn’t mvean we’ll attain perfection on this side of heaven. In fact, we  can’t do a perfect job, because there’s only been one person alive who  could, and that was Jesus Christ, our Savior. 

But when we understand how incredible God’s love for us really is, we  can’t help but try to live our lives for him. And we’re empowered to do  so by the Holy Spirit, who fills us, counsels us, and sanctifies us to be  more like Jesus. 

Our own efforts could never make us perfect, but that’s why we “look to  Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith.” By his gracious sacrifice,  we’re able to resist sin and live for his glory! 

Prayer: Lord, you know I am far from perfect. But by the power of  your Holy Spirit, enable me to become more like Jesus.