Day 15: 

Clothe yourselves, all of you, with humility toward one another,  for “God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble.” (1 Pet  5:5) 

How can humility in us attract others to Christ? Well, it depends on  how you define humility. Humility doesn’t get a lot of credit in our  culture, but it would if more people understood that true humility is a  powerful force for God. 

When someone is willing to put the interest of others above their own,  then people recognize the compassion that flows through them, which  is the very heart of Jesus. If you’re willing to take a backseat for the  purposes of serving another, then that’s a very humble thing to do, but  also loving and Christ-like. 

Take time today to be a respectable, humble person, because those who  are sincere and humble in their expression of faith understand what it  means to reflect the real nature of Jesus. 

Prayer: Lord Jesus, thank you for demonstrating what it means to be  truly humble through your incarnation and death on the cross. Help me  today to humbly put others’ interests before my own.